
Words to Live By

Words to Live By
I am sure most of you have seen the charts made by many moms that are their Family Rules.  Since I love the concept of having rules in front of me but I am an empty nester, I decided to take the same idea and apply it to a chart for my home and I labeled it Words to Live By. 
I used 13 pages of scrapbook paper, Mod Podge, ribbons,
stick-on letters as well as letters cut from my Cricut and a canvas art board I already had.  After applying a layer of Mod Podge to the back side of the scrapbook paper, I smoothed the papers down with an old credit card.  

I had 13 rows of paper and used black ribbon to separate
some of the lines between them.
It is kind of nice to have a reminder of those things that I have decided should influence my
everyday actions in a place where I can see it often.

Now I have no excuse for poor behavior!
I am linking to Kimba's A Soft Place to Land today.


  1. What a great idea! I thought the "family rules" were really cute, but I'm past that stage! This is perfect for us empty-nesters who might need a reminder now and then!
    I love all the colors and designs you used too.

  2. What a great idea. I am also past the stage of house rules, but I loved the concept. Thanks so much for the suggestion.


  3. What a lovely project, it turned out very well.

  4. Look how cute that turned out mom! I love it. You did a great job!


  5. I just love the sign you made! Very creative and thoughtful. I do believe that if we with younger kids would post these words to live by vs... rules we would end up with more results! Great idea!
    Dee Dee

  6. I love your words to live by. I liked the Family Rules your talented daughter made also.:)
    Although we are empty nesters, it is nice to have something bright and pretty to remind us to make these words action words.
    I need to surround myself with more visuals.
    Enjoy your trip!

  7. What a wonderful collection of words to live by -- and you've certainly made them beautiful words to live by too.

  8. I love this idea. I was at your daughters blog and found you. I am also an empty nester. I love to find bloggy friends who are at my stage in life. Can't wait to get to know you better.

  9. I saw your Words To Live By board over at Jen's, and just wanted to come over and say what a great adaption of the Family Rules board this is!

  10. This is too, too cute!
    What a wonderful idea!

  11. Words to live by. That is WAY cute. I guess I may just try to make myself one, though crafts are not exactly my forte.



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