
Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today January 25, 2010

Outside my window... clear skies today.  Chance of snow this week.  Turn up the electric blanket!

I am thinking... about my dear, sweet mom whose birthday it is today.  She would be 97!  She taught me many things while growing up in our home.  She was a fierce independent woman with a career, which was unusual for the 50's.  She was a life long learner and always was participating in or taught courses.  One summer when my grandparents were needing help she traveled out of state to care for them and managed to take a class at the University near them one evening a week.  While she was gone my job was to fix dinner one night a week.  It consisted of opening a can of Chef Boyardee Lasagna.  But I felt I had been given a special assignment and I carried it out with care and the attention that I thought she would have if she was there. She taught school and in the summer she would teach us three daughters how to sew, paint, upholster, wallpaper and any other chore that she needed to achieve that summer. I miss her unconditional love even now.  Her favorite color was purple!

I am thankful for... a family that had its ups and downs but gave me the foundation to achieve my goals despite odds put in my path.

I am wearing... long underwear underneath my jeans, a red sweater and black vest, my Uggs and cashmere socks.  Trying to stay warm here!

I am remembering
... skates held onto our shoes with a key and push button starters on cars years ago.

I am going... to a cooking class on the new digital pressure cookers Tuesday,  and having 34 people over for a pot luck dinner on Thursday evening and sewing with dear friends on Monday.

I have just read... our book club book which is Everything Is Fine by Ann Dee Ellis  I am looking forward to the discussion about it.

I am looking forward to...my trip to California and staying at a beach house in Carmel with friends. Bring on the sunshine!

On my mind... some of my friends who need prayers for their children and one who's husband has Parkinson's Disease.

Noticing that... my grandchildren are growing taller and I am getting shorter!

Pondering these words..."To handle yourself, use your head...To handle others, use your heart."

From the kitchen... wonderful leftovers of Beef Au Jus sandwiches and Cherry Chocolate Cake.  I am planning on making the Homemade Granola that I really enjoy.

Around the house... The floors need attention.  Although I love the dark wood floors, they do demand more care since they show every footprint winter or summer. And then tables need setting up for the dinner on Thursday.

One of my favorite things~ knowing my children are in a happy place.

From my picture journal...

To read other women's day books click here


  1. I loved reading about your mom, I'm jealous of both the Uggs and the beach house and I wish I had some homemade granola! I'll have mine with Greek yogurt.


  2. Ughs and cashmere socks. Oh the warmth!


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