
Festival of Trees Event

Just want to show you pictures of the Festival of Trees today.  This is an annual event held in a large convention center.  Hundreds of trees are decorated by individuals, families, and some organizations.  They, along with many wreaths and gingerbread houses are auctioned off with the proceeds going to a local hospital, Primary Children's Hospital.  The event is open for public viewing before any of the items are removed.  Our little service group went together to see the trees and especially to view the wreaths that we made together for this wonderful event.  Kathy,one of our members, went to the Tuesday evening auction of all the trees, wreaths and gingerbread houses that make up this event and ushered us around to several trees and to each of our wreaths. As we looked at each one she told us stories behind the bidding of them and then revealed to us how much each wreath sold for.  We made 9 or 10 wreaths and the combined amount that we were able to contribute  to the Primary Children's Hospital through donating these wreaths was $8558.00!  (This did not include Kathy's 30 wreaths that she made by herself, 2 trees or her 2 quilts!). We were all so pleased and surprised that our 4-5 hour efforts one day in September would go so far.  Every item is donated and every penny made from the sales goes directly to the hospital which is a marvelous thing.  Here are pictures of some of the trees.  You can see the wreaths we made by clicking here from a previous post.

I was intrigued with the tree toppers that kind of looked like Christmas fireworks like these

These were vintage post cards.  There were lots of nature, and birds too.

Many of them had surrounding items connected to their theme which were part of the auctioned tree also. Many were made in memory of a loved one who had past away.  Very sweet but bitterly sad too.
More tree topper obsession.
Rival school themes

This year they added quilts to the show and this one of felt was spectacular!

This event took about 3 hours to view and I took many more pictures but I am sure you get the idea with the ones I have show today.  In all, a very worth-while and community supported event!  This really gets one in the Christmas spirit.  What gets you in the mood to decorate for Christmas?


  1. Sometimes you go to these events and the trees are disappointing. It looks as if your event had wonderful things...I love the strange tree toppers...always have. What fun and a wonderful cause.


  2. Wow! I wish I could have gone too. Thanks for sharing through your wonderful photos!


  3. What an inspirational event.
    I loved the photos of all the trees and decorations.
    And what a blessing to have something you make bring relief to someone.

  4. Jean,
    I absolutely loved it! So many ideas and talented people gave so much of their selves!

    I am so impressed! I bet it was a feel good moment when you found out how much your wreaths contributed to Primary's... They were all fabulous!
    BTW I love your new header! :) It is nice when others teach a trick or two. I would love to have falling snow on my blog and I am still trying to fiqure that out!
    Job well done!!!

  5. Thanks for the many pictures of the
    Festival! It gave me a good idea
    of what it was like! I feel good
    to be a part of this small
    group and to have contributed so
    much! Thanks to Kathy for letting
    us participate!

  6. What a wonderful event Jean! I wish they had something like that over here! xxoo

  7. What a great thing to be a part of! That is awesome. Beautiful to look at too. I'm going to check out your wreaths.

    I posted about the candy cane punch too! ;o)


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