
Happy Birthday Ashley

November 9th

Many years ago we lived in Michigan. I was pregnant with our third child.  My mother had just retired from teaching so for the first time she was able to come help me with my baby.  She came on my due date for the birth.  The next day she fell down our backstairs onto the cement floor and ended up in the hospital.  I faithfully visited her for 8 days in the hospital.  She was finally released the same morning that I went into labor.  My husband took me to the hospital, admitted me, went upstairs and filled out papers for my mother then took her to our house.  He raced back to the hospital in time to put on a gown and come into the delivery room to see the birth of this beautiful girl:

Happy Birthday Ashley!!  And now she has a sweet one of her own.

A   ttractive and astute=(clever, smart, intelligent, crafty, artful, discerning, clear-sighted, sharp)

S  tylish

H  elpful and honest to her customers

L  oving (especially since she has had cute Hudson 6 months ago).

E  ntrepreneur  (she started her own business and has made it successful even through these rough times.)

Y es, I'll take three!--her favorite words heard from her customers.

I am so thankful for that special, unusual day and for the wonderful woman Ashley has become. (My mom was allright after all the trama with  not a broken bone) .


  1. She is beautiful as is all three of your daughters. I am glad your mom was alright and Ashley waited. Whew, what a week!
    Happy, Happy birthday, Ashley! Hudson is adorable.:)

    Today in my FIL's b-day!
    Enjoy this fabulous weather! :-)

  2. She's beautiful and so is the baby. Isn't it great when our kids turn out right? Sue

  3. Happy Birthday Ashley! We love you so much. Hope you had a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!



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