
Simple Woman's Daybook

 Simple Woman's Daybook 
For today, October 5, 2009

Outside My Window
... All is wet from the rain yesterday.  It has been thundering and lightening for the past two days.
I am thinking...What a wonderful week it was last week with my two sisters here.  Now on to the next one.
I am thankful for... the beautiful colors all around me and the safety of a warm home that wraps its arms around me in rainy weather.
From the kitchen... the smell of chicken taco soup and rice pudding from yesterday.  I always feel like cooking and baking when it rains.
I am wearing... my pj's trying to get this post done before this day starts.

I am creating...hopefully a clean and straightened house since it was well used last week with both sisters here and all our projects that we did together.
I am going... airport to take one sister this morning as she leaves for her home in California.
I am reading...I haven't had time to get another book just yet so it is scriptures during any spare moment.
I am hoping... to get a little organized today.  Also, that I can get all my patio furniture taken into the garage out of the weather, ready for winter.
I am hearing... Clocks ticking and furnace running is all the noise at the moment. 
Around the house...There is linens to be washed, kitchen to be cleaned, and dishes to be put awayand vacuuming to be done.
One of my favorite things... Sometimes I feel like Julia in the movie Julie and Julia, that I really like to eat!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Of course, getting my sister to the airport is first on my list.  I have many people to call this morning as I have completely ignored anyone and everything this past week.  Book club is Tues evening.  I will be going to the University for a meeting one of the days and taking my aunt back to the dentist. I am glad we saw the beautiful fall colors in the canyon before the rain came last week.

My craft room is a disaster so that also has to be put back in order.  In all, just the usual everyday kinds of things, but I am grateful that I have those things to do and the ability to do them.  I am content. p.s. (I had to come back to this post after I had posted it to add that my birthday is also this week so I will be celebrating #39 again!!)
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

To read more Simple Woman's Daybook entries click here.


  1. Thanks for visiting my daybook last week! I'm glad your sister week was enjoyable. My 2 sisters and I don't get together often enough. I hope to someday spend an extended amount of time together like you have!

    Happy 39th! ;-)

  2. So glad you had a great time with your sisters! You made so many fun projects!

    I am excited for your birthday!


  3. Hi, it was great to catch up on your week. How great your sister's could come the week before your birthday!!!

    I have had your birthday in my mind for over a month and as usual suddenly it is here!!!

    Have a happy week. Vicki


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