
A Last Minute Witch Hat to Make

If you are in need of a witch's hat here's how you can make one real quick.  Take 2 sheets of black scrapbook cardstock (12' x 12").  Cut a round circle 12" out of the one.  Then in the center of that round circle cut another one that is 4".  This is your brim.  From the second one cut a triangle from the top edge corner to the middle of the side edge, curving the cut as you go. This will be the pointed part of the hat.  Bring 2 of the straight sides together to form the cone and glue together.  You may have to trim the curved edge to make it fit.  Then attach the cone to the brim by making little cuts all the way around the curved edge so the cone can be attached to the brim and glue the two parts together.  There you have it--a small witch hat.  Embellish with spiders dangling from the tip, and ribbon around the cone.
I used toilet tissue wrapper and cheesecloth.  You can spray the whole thing with Ink Refresher (buy it at the craft store) and kind of crunch the hat in your hand to make it look more like leather when it dries.
There are also sparkly press-on embellishments like ghosts and spider webs.

This makes a good size hat for a table decoration or to put on a small pumpkin or a little trick-or-treater or your cat!
Happy Halloween!
Be sure to sign up for my giveaway here.


  1. What a GREAT!!! idea and how FUN!!! Now I can make some for my grand-daughters.

  2. Great tutorial Jean!! I will have to bookmark this for the future!! Thanks!

  3. Cute! I love the way you have several in a line, awesome idea.

    About snow...I live in NC so very rarely get snow and never in October! I do love it though so enjoy it for me too!
    I used to live in Colorado, that was a beautiful place to be in the snow!

  4. Those hats are awesome mom! So spooky!


  5. You are so creative and the fun hats turned out great. Thanks for the super tutorial! I liked the touch of your whimiscial nature in their decor:)
    Your witch pumpkin makes me smile as does, "Once a witch...always a witch!"

  6. Very clever and they would have so many decorating uses. Great tip!


  7. How cleverly creative! It's bootiful.

  8. some people have all the talent! sweet!


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