
Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY, September 21st, 2009 ... the first day of autumn

Outside My Window...

The air is crisp, only in the 40's. It really feels like the first day of autumn. The sun has not come over the mountain which is just beginning to show colors of orange.

I am thinking...
That I must get down my jeans and longer pants and cardigan sweaters soon. There is work to be done in the yard to prepare for the coming months too.

I am thankful for...
A warm home to live in, shelter and sanctuary. I am grateful for good health. You never really appreciate it until you are strapped with something as simple as a cold to really bring you back to humility about your health, I think.

From the kitchen...
My peach tree has been giving me wonderful peaches that I have been making into Freezer Jam, regular jam, and just plain freezing the peach slices. I have never frozen peach slices before so I only did 2 pints to see if they stay nice and not turn brown.I am wearing...
My jeans (which I haven't worn all summer--they are a little tight--I've put on some weight, or at least some width during that time), t-shirt with lace, and a brown long cardigan sweater. I have my sandals on but if it doesn't warm up in the house, I will find some closed toed shoes to wear.

I am creating...

witch's hats for the Symphony Guild Luncheon in October. Saturday Hannah came over and helped me with them. I just have to buy some fishing line so I can attach a big spider to dangle off the point of the hats and then they will be done. My studio has preparations ready for next week when I host my two sisters for Sisters Week. We will be sewing, quilting, and crafting as well as talking, laughing and sharing. Each of us will be teaching at least one thing to the others. It should be lots of fun. I am looking forward to it. We have so much fun together! I will post the results of our time together.

I am going...
To Park City this weekend to see the autumn leaves, take pictures, sketch a bit and enjoy the colors there. I go with a wonderful friend who teaches art and so I am taught a greater appreciation for all things artistic in nature. My eyes are always opened when I am with her.

I am reading...Katherine by Anya Seton. It is set in England in the 1300's and really depicts life at that time both for the royalty and common folk. Katherine, an orphan, grows up in an orphanage and when she leaves at 16 is proposed to right away by an unworthy knight. She knows no better and marries him and endures a hard beginning at his rundown castle. She meets her true love but she is married and so is he. The rest of the book involves them trying to get together, wars, parliament meetings, arranged marriages. I am enjoying this 500 page book although I am only on page 320.

I am hoping...
That the dentist that I am taking my sweet aunt to this morning is competent and will do the root canal in the proper manner.

I am hearing...
A lawnmower across the street as the gardener makes that yard lovely for me to look at!

Around the house...
I have just put up my fall decorations and I am enjoying their wonderful colors. Last week when I put them up it was still close to 90 degrees. They did not give me the same feel as this morning with the chill in the air.
One of my favorite things...
is making food for the season, which is, pumpkin bread and apple crisp. I made 7 loaves of the pumpkin bread Saturday and look forward to making apple crisp soon.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
I am trying to get the house ready for the Sisters Week. I have the bedrooms ready with their little welcome gifts on the beds but still the bathrooms need cleaning. I keep putting that off as it is not my favorite thing to do. I will have to wash and pack for Park City. I will return just as the sisters get here so everything for them and the next week needs to be ready. I need to go grocery shopping for next week too. This year they have decided that each one will take a turn making dinner one night so I don't have to make every meal which will be nice.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...Click here to read what other women are doing, planning and thinking on this first day of autumn.


  1. I alway enjoy reading your 'Smple Day Book' but do not feel there is anything Simple about you. You seen extra ordinary doing~ extra ordinary things to bless the lives of others all the time.
    I have frozen peaces before with lots of great luck. And I finally got Zucchini! So I am, makeing zuchinni pineappel bread to take to some dear friends in their 80's whom I visit.
    I bet Hannah loves to be with her grandma and what a fun activity. Have you ever gone to "Witches Night Out" at Gardner Village? My granddaughters have enjoyed dressing up and going...
    Enjoy your Sisters week and let us know all about it!

  2. I enjoyed reading your daybook. I like the way you highlight the words in your thoughts that summarize.

    I covet your peach jam.

    Have a blessed week.

  3. Great day book Jean! Sounds like you have a fabulous week ahead!!


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