
Service Group Summer Projects

Service Group Update

Summer has been busy for our 10 Club Service Group. We meet once a month for a 2 hour service project which has been planned by one of the members. It provides a time for wonderful fellowship and at the same time we are giving service to our community. We have a great time. It is called the 10 club because we each contribute $10.00 each month. This money is used for the next month's project. Some months our project does not involve any money so that money is added to the following month's reserve. It is simple, and it works for us.
In May we sorted donated pharmaceuticals and other medical supplies for a company which packages them and sends them to needed places in the US and third world countries. Our efforts that day were being sent to Florida. We sorted through 2 pallets which were dumped onto this long table.In June we assembled 35 activity kits for children whose stay in a local hospital will be long term.
Some of the items were coloring books, foam shapes, card games, crayons, markers, stickers, play doh, die cuts, little figurines,
and each one had a stuffed animal on top. There were boxes for boys and girls. We labeled each and tied each one with a ribbon. They were later delivered to the hospital which was amazed at all the items we were able to put into each box.
JulyIn July we began with a lovely brunch at one of our member's home.
Then we went to the state capitol building where we cleaned the very tall (11') statues.
We also secured many framed pictures on the walls with museum tape.We worked on two floors.
Then we were treated to our very own private tour of the capitol by one of our members who is a docent there. We walked the halls where history was made, saw the court chambers and heard the history of the building. It was a very productive and informative morning.
We assembled 240 sandwiches--peanut butter and jelly, (some of us had forgotten how to make these!)
We also made turkey and cheese and ham with cheese.The sandwiches were each put into a zip lock bag then all were put back into the bread wrapper.
These were taken that same day to a local homeless shelter where they were gladly accepted and immediately provided to men, women, and children who were appreciative of a sandwich meal.
It has been a productive summer in this sense. Just 2 hours a month can make a difference!
I hope your summer is going well too.


  1. How very wonderful that you as a group were able to do all these service projects!!! It looks like you had a wonderful time together while you were doing it as well! Thanks so much for sharing them with us Jean! You made my heart smile.

  2. Perfect! I admire your group for all they have done and for the way this has been organized. I copied your whole post and put it in my file. This is just the type of group I would love to be involved in.

    Who can't make a two-hour commitment each month and take the responsibility basically once a year to plan a service event? This takes the pressure off one person and gets everyone involved. Excellent, excellent post! I'm going to share this with some friends.

  3. Jean, loved this blog! Two hours
    once a month can make a difference!
    Hoping to get there more often and planning on the Sep. 4th activity!
    The summer was very productive for
    the group!

  4. I love all you have accomplished! Two hours well spent and I also love the name.
    What fun to spend time doing GREAT good for so many and laughing along the way!
    I have enjoyed getting caught up a little bit before rushing off to the nursing home and moving dad out of his apartment, when my husband gets home. He continues to go down hill and then he surprises and us and bouces back up! Last night he was very sick and almost looked like death... I don't know what to expect tonight. He probably will be doing wheelies in his wheelchair.:)
    J you are an amazing mom, grandma and lady!
    This is a wonderful group of ladies and I loved the post! :)

  5. What a wonderful group you are! I would love to do something like this but am not sure where to start. Any advice? Thanks.


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