
Tablescape Thursdays

While browsing through a wonderful nursery looking for plants, I happened on their gift area and found this lovely black and white tablescape I'd like to share with you today.

tThe silverware was set on black/white paper towels in a shallow box.The tablecloth is a toile print with a black border.
Lots of crystal was used for candlesticks, hurricanes and such.
These black balls were part of the centerpiece as shown below.
At each place were glittering name cards in small beautiful frames.

The square plates are paper ones. The chandelier in the center is a coctail napkin!
I hope this gives you an inspiration for your own black and white tablescape. Thanks for Susan at Between Naps on the Porch having this Tablescape Thursday. To see more ideas click here.


  1. Oh so over the top chic! It's fabulous.
    Happy Twirls

  2. I love the black and white.. all the differentpatterns and textures! Happy Tablescape Thursday ~ Susan

  3. Ahhh, black and white. My favorite.
    Happy day

  4. That is a fabulous tablescape. Glad you found it and shared it!

    Christi @ A Southern Life

  5. How pretty. I love the chandeliers and the black and white. So pretty!

    Thanks for taking Ella today - you are a life saver!


  6. Black and white certainly make a bold and an attractive statement! Very nice.

  7. Black and white is one of my favorite combinations! Very elegant and chic!! Thanks for sharing! I grabbed some great ideas!!

  8. Such a beautiful table. I love black and white - it's so elegant!

  9. Looks very pretty. Love the black and white with the chandy on the cocktail napkin and the little jeweled name holders.

  10. What a great inspiration table. Looks so classy.

  11. Love black and white...always so classic! Love the glittery name plates...thanks for taking pics and sharing this TT! :-) Susan

  12. Thank you for sharing this lovely tablescape. B&W is a classic that you have carried out well with those lovely touches of bling.

    Lots of fun things going on in your blog space.


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