
Happy Mother's Day Mom

In remembrance of Mother's Day I would like to share a few thoughts about my own mother. As the oldest of seven children and living on a farm, she had to work thinning beets in the summers to pay her way through college. Then she began teaching in a one-room school house in a little remote town in southern Utah. Her love of learning and children never wavered as she taught almost every suject from K-12th grade until she retired at 62 and then tutored children for many years after that. She taught her three daughters all the basics of education. I learned the correct way to print the alphabet by watching her make charts at night for her classroom. She devoured books and instilled that in us too. She always had time to play with us. She was the one playing Kick the Can with us, tightening our roller skates with a key, greeting our friends for sleepovers on the lawn in the backyard, or taking us "downtown" shopping after school. I don't know how she had the energy to work all day, be ready to shop, and make a hot dinner every night. A fond memory is "having pie" at the Walgreen's counter after we were done shopping. ( She loved Boysenberry).
Each summer she had a project in which all of us would participate. (Whether or not we wanted to!) We learned how to paint a room, wallpaper, upholster furniture, and can fruit and vegetables. We all vowed we would "never do any of that when we grow up", but as fate would have it, we all love to be creative and thank her for teaching us that first time. I think of her often and appreciate how devoted she was and a great example of motherhood. I often relied on her sage advice when my own daughters were growing. I give accolades to my own daughters who are wonderful mothers in their own right, following in her tradition of enjoying this precious time with their children. It goes full circle.

Happy Mother's Day!


  1. This was a lovely tribute to your mother. Hope you have a lovely Mother's Day!

  2. I so hope you are enjoying your time away and the weather is beautiful. It is a bit rainy here in the east but the lushness of the greenry is always breathtaking to me.
    Thank You for your beautiful comments. I am so pleased my mom is doing alittle better. it will be a long healing period and I look forward to going to Idaho to help her.
    My FIL broke his hand in a fall on friday and again last night fell and hit his face when he fell in the bathroom. He told us he wouldn't be here when we returned.
    He might not have time to get on hospice. He is a special man also who greatly depends on the Lord.
    Your mom sounds like an extraordinary lady who had so much wisdom, knowledge and really taught her family well by the life she lived. I have enjoyed the poems and dittys you have shared in the past she would say:)

    I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! Sometime we should have lunch!


  3. My grammar and spelling is horrid on this computer lap top I am not used too...sorry!

  4. Hi Mom! Great post about Grandma. She would be pleased to know you remember and think about all those things. She would have a poem to spout off to you I'm sure.
    We missed you in SF this weekend. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks.


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