
Makin' Friends Monday

Makin' Friends Monday is today and the challenge Kasy at All That Is Good has given us today is to list 10 things that you can't live without. So here are my ten that are essential to me (or at least make my life liveable).
1. My contacts. Since my vision is so poor (2400) I cannot see anything without them. I have worn them since I was 18 so they have gone through a lot of living with me. (Glad they can't talk and tell all!)
2. Chocolate. I guess I could live without it, but it makes life so muchy more creamy, and bittersweet and dove-like. Sometimes I just have to have a little.
3. My car. Isn't it nice to have dependable wheels to take us anywhere, whenever we want?
4. Hair spray. I have used it for years. I like a light spray and try not to breathe in the fumes.
5. My faith. It keeps me grounded and helps set my course each day.
6. Friends. I would be so sad and lonely without the support, love and laughter that they bring.
7. Family. I have a great one!
8. Electric blanket, socks and shoes. I am forever cold and these help keep my body temperature up. 9. Copy machine. I am forever copying things for church, family, myself etc. I love to print out color copies, and enlarge and reduce what I am copying to fit a card or book or whatever.
10. Fresh berries. I try to have strawberries, blueberries and/or raspberries everyday. They are so delicious, I want some now.

To find out other favorites go to Kasey's blog and find other friends.


  1. I hope you are having a wonderful time with Ashley. Hudson is adorable, soft and sweet looking. And I must add healthy in size! I am glad he is here safe and sound. congratulations! Enjoy your time, I love these incredible precious little gifts from Heavenly Father. They sure fill our lives with joy!

    Before Lasix surgery, my contacts were a -9.75! I was legally blind also! The surgery changed my life and I could see little things I couldn't before even with contacts.
    My eye doctor son has me in only one contact now, when I need it.
    I love the freedom and being able to see...
    All of your can't do with outs are the same as mine would be except for the chocolate.. mine would be Dannon light 'berry' yogurt:)

    Okay I am writing book...sorry!

    Enjoy sweet baby Hudson,

  2. great list! I should have said contact as well. I'm completely blind without my contacts or glasses!

  3. I love your list! I just had to go to the eye-doctor today, because one of my contacts broke and I need a new one!

    Essential, but sheesh they're expensive!!


  4. Great list.

    contacts a must.

    berries...yum. :)

  5. Such a great list!!! I don't know what I'd do without contacts. I've worn them since 4th grade! I really would love to have lasik.

    Yum...berries reminds me of summer goodness!

    Have a great night!


  6. Good list mom! You got the essentials on there. I'm surprised you didn't put a picture of Hudson on too. How's it going there? I tried to call you this afternoon.

    How are you doing with no electric blanket??


  7. I love electric blankets...We live in a 137 year old home and use them all the time...Old houses seem to never keep warm enough..What a great list!!! Julie

  8. I have to have my glasses. No glasses, no night driving!
    Oh, my coffee. Our teen calls it our drug.

  9. Hey there!
    I know why I adore Jen so much now! She grew up with a fab mom! What a great family you do have!

    Fresh berries! Love them and so good for you. I am growing strawberries. Will be adding blueberries, blackberries. Would love to add rasberries too! Yummmy!

  10. fabulous list! how did i forget contacts on mine?!? there is no way i could live without them! :o)

    hope you had a wonderful monday!

  11. Wonderful list Jean! I wish I could wear contacts. I don't think I could though. I can't stand anything in my eye at all. I think they would drive me crazy.


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