
Valentine Whimsey Clips

Here's an easy, fun idea for Valentines --make Whimsey Clips! These are the supplies needed: Used tissue, ribbon, glue gun, wire or thin string, and any of the following: scrapbook paper, fabric torn in strips, buttons. Really anything you'd like to put in it. These are made kind of like a corsage. Cut or tear tissue in wide strips, add ribbons in varying lengths and widths, paper torn in long strips, and anything else you want to put in it. Secure all of these together in the center (lengthwise) and wire together. Scrunch them up and fluff them. Then glue gun the back of it onto a wooden clothespin. There, you have made a Whimsey Clip!

This one has 4 different ribbons and scapbook paper with printing on it.

This one has checked tissue as well as plain and red polka dot. Also pink paper ribbon and fabric small heart print strips like ribbon.
This one has tulle in it as well. You can glue gun a button to hide the wire in the middle.
This one has touches of pink and gold in the ribbon and tissue.

Now, what to do with them? Wear them?

Add one to your purse!

Decorate with them!

Tuck one in a corner display.
Remember my Valentine banner above?
I added one to each end and it looks more festive.
Use several together on a Valentine sign holder.

Have fun with this idea!


  1. So darling! You have creativity running though your blood! I got a glimpse all set up for your party! What an awesome grandma you are!!!!!

    I love the whimsical look!

  2. Very cute clips!! I love them on the ends of the banner. And well, everywhere, really!

    And I agree, what an awesome grandma you are!


  3. Those are very cute. I'll put those on my craft to do list. Have a great day!

  4. Very cute...I'll have to remember that for next Valentine's day.


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