
The Simple Woman's Daybook

For today, January 19th, 2009...

Outside my window: The sun is shining brightly. The mountains are purple and white through a cloud of fog. I don't think we will be getting snow today so it must be fog not clouds of snow on the mountain.

I am thinking about:
How the inauguration tomorrow will affect the average american.

From the kitchen: Not much here unless I can count my conversation hearts (which are food!) that I have opened and am going to give them with some tulips to friends that have helped me last week.

I am wearing: My jeans, a brown long sleeved T-shirt and brown, 3/4 sleeved long sweater with big collar and 3 big buttons. It is nice and warm.

I am going:
I want to go to the movies this afternoon with my daughter and grandchildren. I have been staying inside to try to get rid of my congestion. It is a big decision. I am so sick of staying inside that I might just take that time to get out for awhile.

I am hoping:
to get back to my normal kind of boring life soon. Also, to learn more about blogging.

One of my favorite things:
to be with friends and family.

To learn more about The Simple Woman's Daybook and to read their entries, click here.

I was awarded my first blogging award this week. Jennifer at Tatertots and Jello has given me the Triple Award!

Here are the rules for the recipients:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

I would like to pass this award along to these wonderfrul blogs:

1. Beth at Aunties with Advice
2. Wenderful
3. Sally at Bossy!
4. Vicki at The Crockett Chronicals

And anyone else who sees this award and wants it can have it. Just leave me a comment so I can meet you.

Thanks for coming by the cottage! Have a nice day!


  1. I enjoyed your daybook. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  2. Thank you Jean! My first award! :)

  3. I haven't been blogging much the last few days as real life has been happening:-) I wanted tos ee if there was an update to how you are feeling...and I get an award! Actuallly three in one. Thanks! I hope you did get out to see a movie and enjoy your daughter and grandchildren!
    I enjoyed your post also!

  4. Lovely blog mom! It was fun going to the movies with you today!!



  5. Hi Mom,
    Thanks for the award! Did you go to the movies? I hope so. That darn congestion can linger for weeks. Hope it clears up soon.


Thanks for coming by. Please leave me a comment and I will stop by your blog. I love to make new friends.