
Be Mine

Here are two quick Valentine ideas:

1. Save your Valentines this year to make a quick Valentine banner. These are cards from last year's valentines-making party that are just clothespinned onto a ribbon. Last year, and I intent to do it this year, I invited a dozen friends over, bought blank cards and scrapbook paper from the craft store, cut out some paper hearts, made some heart-shaped sugar cookies and cupcakes and had a fun party. Everyone used their creativity and left with valentines that they could then send or give to others. Here are a few examples from the banner. 2. The BE MINE picture is an old window that was painted on the reverse side with acrylic paint. You can find old windows (and a lot of other cool stuff) at salvage or junk stores inexpensively. Just remember to reverse the lettering on it so it is readable from the right side.

As Martha would say, "It's a good thing!" Have a happy day.


  1. The cards are darling, I love that idea! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your mantle looks SO cute! I love the picture too. I'll have to try that. Are you ready for company? How was your video party?

  3. That turned out soooo cute! Of course -- everything you do is beautiful!

    Have a great night!


  4. What wonderful ideas! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. What a great idea to keep your old valentines! I'm going to do that this year. Very cute decorations!



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