
Mondays: The Simple Woman's Day Book

Today I am following the guide for journaling established from this sight:

For Today 12/22/08

Outside my window...

I see the lightly frosted mountainside awaiting another delivery of snow this morning. As I look again, the air is now full of those promised flurries!

I am thinking...

I am glad I got my garbage cans out just 20 minutes ago and can stay inside in my nice warm house.

I am thankful...

I am grateful for peace and warmth in my house and heart also, for this time of year when we can really ponder the meaning of that sacred birth and the influence it has had on the world.

From the Kitchen...

I just cleaned up the dishes from last night and mopped the floor. I wish I had the ingredients to make a batch of fudge!

I am wearing...

Today I have on a red top and black with red and green velvet jacket with my special pewter creche necklace. I am wearing black pants with this outfit.

I am going...

I have plans to see the Nutcracker this afternoon with my family (weather permitting, of course)

I am reading...

the morning paper.

I am hoping...

If I leave this computer, I may get my house cleaned today.

I am hearing...

The wind outside and the whirl of my computer inside are the sounds right now.

Around the house...

Things are looking a lot like Christmas with presents around the tree, Christmas pillows on the bench and wrapped presents for the neighbors by the front door.

One of my favorite things...

I love skipping my workout and in the early morning when everything is still and light is just beginning to come into my home I have energy and I can do things without interruption of phone conversations.

A few plans for the rest of the week...

My plans are of course, the Nutcracker today and cleaning the guest areas, preparing food for Christmas Eve dinner Wednesday. Then spending Christmas with family and Friday the rest of the family arrives and the fun continues with grandchildren's happy chit chatter filling the house.

Scripture on which to meditate today...

My Sunday School teacher brought me a star last night and with it some thoughts to ponder about its meaning. Here is some of that message.

Revelation 22:16

"I, Jesus, have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things.... I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." The Savior is the Light of the world. He is our sure guide. His appearance and mission was planned in advance. He is our source of Light, our sure guide.

And in 2 Peter 1:16-19 : "For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty... "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts".

The Savior's life and His teachings are like the light that shines in a dark world. "He marked the path and leads the way". If we do as Peter said and "take heed" and follow that light, Christ's light that is in each one of us, that light will grow and we will be blessed with more light. The light can grow so bright within us that the day star, the "bright and morning star" will arise in our heart if the Savior is in our heart. The star is a powerful and message-filled symbol at Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all of you!


  1. Good job on the post, Mom. We are excited to go to the Nutcracker with you today.


  2. I enjoyed the message your S.S. teacher gave you and it is so true.

    Happy New Year!


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